Tuesday, January 16, 2018

CIRCUMCENSORSHIP: Scholarly Circumcision Articles Being Censored on Facebook

It's happened to me before; I post a link to a news article on a legit, valid news source, or to medical literature on a reputable journal on Facebook, only to have it immediately labeled as "spam" and deleted no sooner than I had clicked "post."

I would sit there and wonder if this was something that was happening only to me, but earlier today, I ran across a post in my news feed confirming to me that that I'm not the only one.

I've taken screenshots of the post on my news feed and have posted them below.

Facebook users can see the post on the matter, and the conversation ensuing among other intactivist Facebook users here (last accessed 1/15/2018).


I've downloaded the screen shot referenced in the conversation above and posted it below:

The conversation continues...

The screenshot referenced just above has been posted below:

The conversation continues...

The final screen shot mentioned can be seen here:

It is quite evident that there are people at Facebook who have decided to take the liberty to censor intactivism by labeling news articles or research papers that don't speak favorably of male circumcision as "spam" and immediately removing them.

This puts intactivists in the awkward position of not being able to substantiate the facts we post; in essence, Facebook is blocking access to verifiable information.

This wouldn't be the first time a social media outlet has made it difficult for intactivists to post; not too long ago, Twitter was keeping me from posting the following:

I tried to post this over and over again from different devices to no avail.

I kept getting error messages.

Finally, I took a screen shot which is the only way I could post what I wanted to say.

I talk about what happened me on Twitter on a different post, here.

All I can say is that, the information we post must be powerful and intimidating, if people at social media outlets are going as far as trying to censor us.

They may succeed temporarily, but not for long.
"Truth suppress'd will find an avenue to be told."
"Three things cannot remain long hidden; the sun, the moon, and the truth."

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